Saturday, July 20, 2019

5 Secrets to Being Happy & Stress-Free

Life is full of obstacles (and people) waiting to take the joy out of it, but honestly, we tend to make it more difficult and stressful, for ourselves, than it has to be.  How?  With our self-imposed, stinkin' thinkin', negative behavior, and habits. 
We simply have to CHOOSE to be happy.  If you're serious about living the rest of your life with reduced stress, for better mental health, and more happiness, you need to detox!  In this article, I share five fool-proof tips on how to do just that! 

1.  Disassociate from, and Avoid Negative People.
Who we keep in our circle affects how we think and feel. Do you have that one friend who is always negative about everything, and seldom has a good word to say about most anything or anyone?  Although you may not actively participate in that behavior, the bad energy from the attitudes of these kinds of people is in your universe; they're rotten seeds planted in your subconscious.  
How about that family member who tells you that you're not good enough.  Or, you can't do this, or you don't know how to do that?  Not an encouraging word to be found.  It's okay to tell them how this makes you feel.  It's also okay to distance yourself if that negative speak continues.  This is about YOU being happy, and being  YOUR best self.  Yes, family is everything, but remember, they are to you, what you are to them, so if you aren't getting that positive respect, there's nothing wrong with limiting the visits you have with that person(s).  
Let's face it; it's difficult to be happy when the negative voices are there mongering fear and hate, and trying to keep you down.  
Do this instead:
Surround yourself with positive people, and influences.  For example, meet new people who might have the same interests as you.  Follow your favorite blogger, or follow and interact with someone who inspires you, on YouTube (I find this to be so much fun).  Read inspiring books, and watch movies and TV-shows that make you laugh.  And music--we have to remember music; it's therapy!  Dance, dance, dance!
2. Measure Yourself Against Yourself; Not Others.
Think the grass is greener on the other side?  The Jones' are in the same socio-economic bracket as  you, but seem to have more?  Becky seems to win every contest she enters, but you get no love?  So what; who cares?  We don't know what the Jones' really did to get the fancy cars, jewelry, and vacations.  Perhaps they worked several jobs and saved up their money.  Maybe they ran numbers.  Or, hit the lottery!  Perhaps you have more responsibilities than they do, or maybe you just make better decisions about what you spend your money on.  How about that?!   It's quite possible that to Becky's 100 tries, you've only tried 10 times.  The more you try, the more your chances at winning.  Or, could it be that Becky did something else (that I won't name here) for her wins?  
The point is, comparing yourself and your life to others' can destroy your self-esteem and hinder your growth.  Remember what is for you is for you.

Do this instead:
Remember, there's always going to be someone else who has more, or who is better at something than you.  This is the case for all of us.  So, mind your own business.  Be your own competition, and elevate to be YOUR best SELF.  Set a goal, then measure your growth in that area.  Note what you accomplished, the steps you took to get there, the obstacles you overcame, and the great things you've done during the journey.
This makes you feel good, lifts your esteem, and validates you.  You can still win when you make YOURSELF the focus.   

3. Focus on the Positive Details in Life.
As I mentioned earlier, there's always something in life, aiming to drag us down.  Yes, there are times where we need to allow ourselves a moment to get through a rough patch.  What we do with these tough situations is what determines our happiness & low stress future.  Consider and learn from these obstacles, and heartaches, grow from them, and then move on.  Dwelling and wallowing for extended periods of time is counter productive.  You need to get over this quickly, so that you're back to a positive place, and are ready to handle the next "situation" that life is sure to bring.  Remember; there's always going to be something.  

Do this instead:
It is a skill, but with a little practice, you'll be a pro.  Accept that sh$% happens; things are as they are, and there is good and bad in all of it.  Ask  yourself, "How can you turn this negative into a positive?"  This process allows you to begin to let "it" go, so that you can make a fresh batch of lemonade drop martinis.  
Shifting the focus off of your problem, to help someone else, is another way to lift your spirits, AND the person you're helping.  You are giving of yourself, coming to the aid of another.  This is, in part, what life's about.  Great energy all around!

4. Focus on the Present, for it is a Gift.  
See what I did there?! 
Are you a list keeper?  Do you jump into the "way back machine" and recount petty, insignificant, inconsequential bullsh%$?   Do you sit, in fear, about the what ifs of what the future will bring, with absolutely no supporting facts to substantiate those fears?
Well, stop that!  
Do this instead:
Be here, now, so you can enjoy what is wonderful in the present.  Sure, it's practically impossible to not remember the past, because you learn from it.  It's equally difficult to not think about the future, because you want to plan for it. 
However, understand and accept that those things can't change, and you have no control over them.  You have enough to do as it is, like stop right where you are, look around, and marvel in the joy that pretty wallpaper is bringing you...NOW.  Or, the humor you're getting out of that sitcom you're watching.  Or, even better, the yummy yummy goodness you're tasting from that ice cream sundae you have in front of you.  So-called small things add up.   Focus on, appreciate and be grateful for what you have NOW. 
5. Keep it Simple Sweetie.
People make life more complicated than it is, primarily in relationships, which adds unnecessary stress.  The lack of communication, and assuming a person should know how we feel about something, although we never told them, is flat out unfair.   
Our minds are also cluttered with the meaningless "stuff" we love to accumulate.  This can reek havoc on our mental, and simply weigh us down.  
We can create new habits to keep our lives simpler, happier, and relatively stress-free. 
Do this instead:
Live simply.  One way to start is by communicating.  Ask clear questions. This is so much easier than mind-reading and assuming.  It not only saves time, it reduces unnecessary conflicts, misunderstandings, and negativity.
Also, purge; get rid of everything that you haven't used or worn within the past year, and donate gently used items to charity. This goes back to being of service and helping others.  By the same token, remember to get a receipt, so that you can write off the donation on your taxes; this is also about building a better YOU, which includes being financially sound so that you can continue to give. 

If you take nothing else from this article, remember the keys are to FOCUS on, and APPRECIATE all that's GOOD with you.  We're all unique and great in our own way; keep that in mind before comparing yourself with Becky.  Also, BE KIND and of service to others; you will feel great about helping someone else, and inevitably, the universe will reward you.

Below are a few more tips that fill your space with positivity, even in the subconscious.  They're easy to do, and are sure to help you on your journey to living a happy and stress-free life:

1. Smile more. (Why not?  You got this.)
2. Literally hold your head up high. (You're proud of who you are and you're great at it!)
3. Give thanks for all that you are, and all that you have. (No mistakes were made here.)

Get started now, and put these steps into action.  Save this post to your favorites, and come back to it when you need a reminder.  Feel free to share this article with others who may need a boost in living a happy and stress-free life.

You got this!

T. James-Sykes

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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

6 Habits of a Successful Entrepreneur

New to entrepreneurship?  Considering starting your own small business?  Want to have multiple income streams?  Already have your own business, but want to breath new life into it?

Perfect!  I'm here for you, with a positive message to get you started!

There is a belief that the truly financially successful, reached this level by stepping on others.  I don't believe this is entirely true -- at least it doesn't have to be.

I know several serious, laser-beam, focused entrepreneurs who take no prisoners when it comes to business.  They're great at what they do, but when they walk into that "boardroom", all traces of humanity is checked at the door.  This is a major flaw in their plan, considering the success of their business rests  primarily upon human interaction.

Sure, when growing your business, it's important to have some of the usual strategies in place, to achieve high profits, but there has to be a balance in all things.  Being of service to others should be woven into your Core Values -- the "swipes" will follow.

Incorporating these tips (most of which are free and take little effort) into your business model can only help add to your bottom line.

1.  Keep a positive attitude
Being positive helps reduce stress, allows you to think clearly, reduces the on-set of wrinkles, and keeps you from quickly growing old.  Negative thinking (a.k.a. "stinking thinking") is counter productive, doesn't pay, makes life miserable, and will show in your work.  Choose to be positive even when it's difficult; smile and eventually you'll feel lighter on the heaviest, darkest of days.  This carries over to your customers which will make them want to continue to come back.  Get into it.

2.  Do what you love
It's easier to be happy, AND positive when you're doing what you are passionate about.

3.  Be kind
It's free to give a smile, and be empathetic to others.  Often, when business gets slow, and life gets low, we can get a bit discouraged, or extra involved with trying to analyze what, or why things are going wrong.   When we take a moment to step outside of our own problems to care about and help someone, it makes us AND them feel good.  That good energy has a boomerang effect; it comes back triple-fold.

4.  When in doubt, Be Still
Be still and know that I Am God.  Take comfort in letting go, and resting in God to provide.  Taking a moment to breath, and truly asking Him to give you what you need; it could be that you need a clear vision of your next steps.   Whatever it is, be specific in your request, let it go, and move fact go have some fun and think about other things, then follow through with your next task(s) in the morning.

5.  Always study your craft
Stay up to date on what's new and trendy in your industry.  Things evolve regularly, so remaining abreast of changes keeps you an expert and an authority in your field.

6.  Be consistent
There are a lot of options, but giving up is not one of them.  It may be challenging, but if you're doing what you enjoy, it's a labor of love.  If you lose interest and find that you really don't enjoy the journey in your current niche, switch gears and try something else.  Whatever you do, stay at it.  Putting one foot in front of the other = forward movement.  As long as you're doing that, you're getting closer and closer to your goal.  You got this!

Remember to keep it authentic, and human. Stay on top of what's new in your niche or craft, and keep a positive attitude.

by T. James-Sykes

Monday, February 20, 2017

3 Tips: How to Have a Fun, Budget-Friendly Oscars Party

We want a reason to celebrate.  OFTEN.  So, why not make Oscars night a special one for you and your good judys, and gal pals?  Since the Oscars are on a Sunday (February 26, 2017 to be exact), you want the evening to be fun, but with as little work as possible.  After all, "manic" Monday is the next day.  Also, you want the occasion to be inexpensive too.  Here's what you do...
Invite your funnest squad to the Red Carpet
This ensures that the night will be filled with laughter, and awesome memories; fun people are more likely to participate in the theme of your Oscars party, play games, and are down to make it a great time.  Remember to always keep those positive beings in your circles.  Start the party at least 30 minutes before the Red Carpet; you all are sure to have a ball critiquing the best and worst dressed  before the show.  Take a vote to see who can guess which celebs will fall under each category!

Give it a theme
There are so many options here.  Instead of the usual Red Carpet Glam, why not choose something iconic that symbolizes your favorite movies.  For example, you could have everyone wear little tiara's and pearl necklaces for a Breakfast at Tiffany's theme, tribal braids, chokers, or face paint for an Avatar theme.  Or, everyone can come representing their favorite film!  This option allows guests to use something they may already have in the closets--you guys could make a game out of it, by guessing the film each person chose.

Make it a Potluck
Having each person bring a dish is a nifty way to take the pressure off, and saves on expenses when hosting an Oscars' night in.  It also gives guests an opportunity to show off their culinary skills.  Tell your friends you'll supply a themed drink, the popcorn and the main (crock pot) dish.  Then email or text them a list of mouth-watering recipes, they can make for the event.  To make it easy, and to get your creative juices flowing, we gathered some EASY, DELICIOUS, and POCKET-FRIENDLY suggestions for you to split with your besties.

For instructions on how to create each recipe, click on the name of the dish above or below each photo.

Garnish with Lemon's Sangria Lemonade:
Sangria Lemonade photo courtesy of Garnish with Lemon



  • 1 Granny smith apple
  • 1 Orange, slices

Baking & Spices

  • 2 tbsp Superfine sugar


  • 4 cups Lemonade

Beer, Wine & Liquor

  • 1 cup Bacardi limon rum
  • 1 (750ml) bottle White wine

Foxes Loves Lemons' Pizza Popcorn:
Pizza Popcorn photo courtesy of Foxes Loves Lemons


Vegetarian, Gluten free


  • 1/2 tsp Basil, dried
  • 1/4 tsp Garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp Oregano, dried
  • 1 tbsp Sun-dried tomatoes

Baking & Spices

  • 1 Pinch Red pepper flakes

Oils & Vinegars

  • 2 tbsp Olive oil, extra virgin


  • 8 cups Popped popcorn


  • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated

Pink When's Crock Pot Chicken Tacos:
Crock Pot Chicken Tacos in Lettuce photo courtesy of Pink When

Crock Pot Chicken Tacos on top of Tortillas photo courtesy of Pink When



  • 3 Chicken breasts


  • 1 can Black beans
  • 1 Corn, canned
  • 1 can Tomatoes and green chilis
  • 1 White onion

Baking & Spices

  • 1 packet Taco seasoning

Certainly improvise and make these recipes your own.  The links in this article are full of other delicious choices to choose from!

The Girl on Bloor's Mini Cheese Grill Sandwiches:
Mini Cheese Grill Sandwiches photo courtesy of The Girl on Bloor




  • 1 Arugula
  • 1 Basil, leaves fresh
  • 1 Mushrooms
  • 1 Red chili flakes
  • 1 Sundried tomatoes

Baking & Spices

  • 1 Black pepper and sea salt, Cracked

Bread & Baked Goods

  • 1 Long french baguette


  • 3 tbsp Butter
  • 1 cup Cheddar cheese, grated aged

OMG Chocolate Dessert's Chicken Avocado Salad Roll Ups:
Chicken Avocado Salad Roll Ups photo courtesy of OMG Chocolate Dessert



  • 2 cups Chicken


  • 1 Avocado, ripe
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Cilantro or parsley, fresh
  • 1/2 tsp Garlic powder
  • 2 Green onion
  • 2 tbsp Red onion


  • 1 1/2 tbsp Lime juice

Baking & Spices

  • 1 Black pepper, Freshly ground
  • 1/4 tsp Salt

Bread & Baked Goods

  • 5 Tortillas


  • 1/2 cup Cheddar cheese
  • 2 tbsp Greek yogurt, plain
Closet Cooking's Blackened Shrimp Avocado Cucumber Bites:
Blackened Shrimp Avocado Cucumber Bites photo courtesy of Closet Cooking



  • 1 Avocado
  • 2 tbsp Cilantro and/or parsley
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Green onion


  • 1 tbsp Lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup Remoulade sauce

  • T. James-Sykes

Baking & Spices

  • 1 tbsp Creole seasoning
  • 1 Salt and cayenne

Oils & Vinegars

  • 1 tbsp Oil


  • 1 pound shrimp, peeled and deviened

Thursday, February 9, 2017

5 Ways to Take Control of Your Life

Feel like you're in a rut, and that you should be doing something more with yourself...for your life?  Are you bored with the day to day routine of wake up, go to work, come home, and watch TV, only to start the cycle over again the next day?  Many of us have been there!  This means it's time to jump off the merry-go-round, and take back control of your life.  Get pep in your step, and reinvent yourself!  

These great tips were gathered from three experts, to help you start your journey to a new, fulfilled life!

Strengthen Your Weaknesses
According to Brenda Della Casa, Founder of Badass Living, Author of Cinderella Was a Liar, and blogger for Huffington Post and YourTango, "No one gets to adulthood without having packed a few bags and “issues” are usually traumas, fears and misconceptions that need to be addressed and sorted out. You could just continue to allow these things to impact your life, job and relationships negatively or you can choose to take a proactive approach. If you are finding that you’re needing a bit of help navigating through a situation, don’t be ashamed to reach out to a professional for a little help. A lot of people face depression, anxiety or just have a lot going on and don’t know how to handle it and find that talking to someone really helps them move through it. Doctors are doctors for a reason."

Brenda also suggests to:

Take Relationship Inventory
She says: "There is a saying that you become like the five people you hang out with most.  Think about the people in your life who get most of your time and attention.  How do they make you feel? How do they support you? Do you feel you can trust them? Count on them? If you have people in your life who bring you down (or worse, push you down) it’s time to do a bit of summer cleaning. Life is hard enough without having to deal with those who don’t have your best interests at heart."

This one reminds me a lot of the first tip: "disassociate from, and avoid negative people", in my previous article on 5 Secrets to Living a Happy and Stress-Free Life.  

Read more of Brenda's article here.

Learn How to Say "No"
Kathy Caprino, Women's Career Coach and Leadership Trainer at Ellia Communcations, author of

Breakdown, Breakthrough: The Professional Woman's Guide to Claiming a Life of Passion, Power, and Purpos


 and Forbes Contributor, draws examples to share her advise on how to take control of your life: "Ann Vitale spent the better part of three decades saying yes to every request made of her. Lead a club, chair a board, join an organization—when anyone asked a favor, she always said yes. 'The trouble is, many times when you assume the mantle people expect you will continue to wear it year after year.' When she retired, she decided she would do all the things she had always wanted to do for herself. She thought about the things she had saved for later, for “as soon as…” But the requests didn’t stop. Until one day she had a revelation: 'I’d just said ‘No’ with no explanation. …Just ‘No.’ And surprisingly, I didn’t feel guilty about it.' Now Ann says 'yes' to herself. Yes to relaxing, yes to writing, yes to tending her flowerbed. And sometimes she still says yes to the favors, too, but only when she really wants to."

Be disciplined about your "me" Time
"Five days a week, from Tuesday to Saturday, Rebecca Hill dedicates all of her time and attention to her customers. Whether it’s sculpting someone’s arms or the perfect vacation, her two jobs—as a fitness instructor and a combination innkeeper and concierge—keep her on her toes. Sundays are devoted to 'pajama day' with her husband. And then on Mondays Rebecca takes time to pamper her most important customer: herself. Mondays are her 'My-days,' and she makes sure she spends them doing things that make her feel great. My-days give Rebecca the positive boost and recharge she needs to approach the rest of the week with the energy and enthusiasm."  Read more of Kathy's article here.

Shift Your Brilliance
In a article, Simon T. Bailey, CEO of Simon T. Bailey International, and author of Shift Your Brilliance; Harness the Power of You, INC., tells us "When I discovered the simple truth that I exist at this period in history to do one particular thing—to inspire, instill and infuse hope in other human beings—I stopped attempting to be like everyone else and decided to shift my thinking. I quit trying to find my way by mimicking others, and that’s when I found myself. I had lost me for a moment because I thought I had to say everything just right to make others like me because that’s what the experts said. They were wrong."  Learn more about what Simon says in this article.

Because life's short, the best time to start is NOW.  Even if a bit at a time, any step forward is towards your end goal.  Just be sure to enjoy the journey!

Thanks for reading. BeUtiful!

T. James-Sykes